Marylouise Widmaier

Marylouise Widmaier

Marylouise graduated from the University of Northern Colorado. After teaching elementary school, directing a pre-school and volunteering, it was time to take a new direction.

The beauty of watercolor caught her attention, and she began taking classes and now spends enjoyable time painting a variety of subjects. She specializes in the human face and figure.

 She and her husband Bill reside in Thornton, Colorado. Prior to 2018, they had spent winters in Sun Lakes, Arizona.  

She is a signature member of the Colorado Watercolor Society (CWS) and the Arizona Watercolor Association (AWA) and Western Federation of Watercolor Societies (WFWS). She is also a juried member of the Arizona Art Alliance.

She has had award winning paintings in AWA, CWS and Scottsdale Artists League shows and local Arizona and Colorado shows.  

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